In a controversial move, the Biden-Harris Administration recently announced plans to restrict access to federal lands, beginning with a prohibition on recreational shooting at Bears Ears National Monument. This decision directly impacts countless outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, and recreational shooters who have long enjoyed public lands for responsible use. In collaboration with our partners, SCI is mobilizing to challenge these restrictions in court, highlighting the essential role public lands play in recreational freedom and conservation.
Bears Ears has been a longstanding symbol of America’s public land legacy. Beyond its renowned natural beauty, the area has offered visitors unique opportunities for outdoor activities, including hunting and target shooting. These activities support local economies, foster appreciation for wildlife conservation, and strengthen the connection between Americans and their natural heritage. But under the recent policy, responsible recreational shooters and hunters could be shut out of a vital part of their heritage.
SCI is dedicated to protecting not only the rights of hunters but the rights of all Americans who value access to public lands. Our organization’s commitment to preserving outdoor traditions, advocating for wildlife conservation, and promoting responsible land use aligns with the values of millions of Americans. Limiting access to these lands threatens the core of our mission and the work we do with conservation groups, sportsmen’s organizations, and rural communities who depend on these spaces.
Why Your Voice Matters
In our upcoming legal battle, we aim to ensure the Administration and Congress understand that public lands are meant for everyone—not just for limited use dictated by select policies. But to strengthen this fight, we need your support. Whether you are a hunter, conservationist, recreational shooter, or someone who simply values the right to explore America’s public lands, your voice counts. Together, we can send a strong message that access to public lands matters to the public—the very people these lands are intended to serve.
Join us in standing up for your rights and in preserving America’s outdoor legacy.